March 07, 2008

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters:

WARNING! The G-boys are back! This time they are attacked the peaceful town of Asheville, North Carolina. As you may recall, on May 15, 2007 we reported "G-Boys Roust Liberty Dollar" when they attacked Mark Lightfoot's crafts and jewelry business in Lexington Kentucky.

Now, despite the lack of any complaint from a resident or business in Western North Carolina, US Secret Service and the FBI agents have launched a thorough investigation into the use of the Liberty Dollar in the Asheville area. Beginning April 3, rogue agents have tracked down people one by one from the easily available list of merchants and demanded answers regarding their use of the Liberty Dollar.

When asked about the reasons for the investigation and the frivolous use of taxpayer money, their response was:

1. That the Liberty Dollar is flirting with counterfeit laws
2. That the Liberty Dollar is not regulated by the government
3. That widespread use of the Liberty Dollar would further weaken the already weak US government issued dollar

The ridiculousness of their "reasoning"… let along the law is… well… unreasonable! First, the Liberty Dollar does not "flirt" and is certainly not counterfeit. Second, like most businesses, the government does not regulate the Liberty Dollar. So what? Third, at a time when the government is spending a BILLION dollars a day on war alone, the thought that somehow a few Liberty Dollars per day would have any impact on the US dollar is beyond logic.

Fortunately, many Asheville merchants have called Kevin Innes, the local RCO, to report their "interrogation" by the G-boys with tones of incredulity in their voice. They also commented that their time was being wasted by government employees questioning them about the local currency and applauded Kevin for his efforts to promote a money that was good for the community, with integrity.

Each merchant was asked if they had any Liberty Dollars and, at least on one occasion, when the merchant said they had a Liberty Dollar, the officer stated that it was "contraband" and "asked" that it be turned over to them. Which the merchant did! Without a receipt or fair market compensation, the merchant's property was stolen! All this without the "officer" identifying himself or serving a search or seizure warrant!

Please note: While I am not an attorney, you are not required to give any information to any government agent unless you have been summoned to court and you are told to answer questions while under oath and even then, you cannot be forced to give any info against yourself or your spouse. There is absolutely no requirement to surrender any possession without each item being specifically mentioned in a seizure warrant signed by a judge and that it directly relates to a criminal investigation.

With such tactics and abuse of office I am forced to change the "G" in G-boys from little government boys with big badges to goons with little brains. People are not tolerating such gross misbehavior and thief of their property! Nor should you! Please report all such incidents to the Liberty Dollar.

I consider the actions of these government agents as a direct interference and disruption of Kevin Innes' honest RCO business activities through slander, harassment and intentional misrepresentation of the law. This assault on Kevin's business is clearly a violation of his First Amendment Right to use the Liberty Dollar as "expressive conduct". Shall we band together or be assaulted one by one? You may be next.

Such obvious action is a subversive effort to influence the "jury pool" before the Grand Jury meets and my subsequent trial to follow in Asheville. It is also obvious that the government does not have a case and are trying very hard to get one together. It now appears that the government is running scared. And that can be very dangerous. As the US dollar collapses… though that is NOT the intent of the Liberty Dollar… this situation will get worse. Be forewarned: we, our money and the government are entering a very dangerous time. Tyranny ahead! Look out!

If approached by a G-boy please treat him/her with respect and get the agent's name or badge number. You need NOT give any additional info. Please report any such incident to Liberty Dollar: 888.LIB.DOLLAR or 888.421.6181.

On a happier note: Liberty Dollar is set to Move Up to the $50 Silver Base! Two weeks from today, the Liberty Dollar will respond to higher silver prices Move Up from the $20 to the $50 Base. And while the empty heads argue that move is too big, the Liberty Dollar is expressively designed mirror the Federal Reserve denominations and put you ahead of "inflation" so you can profit. You cannot profit when you are behind inflation!

Doesn't it just make sense that when the underlying commodity that backs the currency increases in value, shouldn't the purchasing power of that currency also increase in value? Of course. And isn't that the essence of an inflation proof currency? Absolutely! In fact, when you think about it, the only way the Liberty Dollar can accommodate higher commodity prices is to increase its Face Value. And that is why the Liberty Dollar is set to Move Up to the $50 Silver Base on Easter Sunday, March 23, 2008.

Do you what to TWO AND HALF TIMES YOUR MONEY?! Get some Liberty Dollars before March 23, 2008. The Move Up is just two weeks away. Please visit or call 888.LIB.DOLLAR or 888.421.6181. Please be forewarned that our phone and email service is a bit slow as the office struggles to keep up.

Funds postmarked or received before Sunday, March 23 will be accepted at the current market rate. Thanks again for all your support.

Immediately following the Move Up, you can exchange your $10 or $20 Base currency for the new $50 Base. As your silver needs to be melted, rolled, blanked and coined into one of four sizes of the new $50 Base Libertys, there is a reminting fee. This fee varies with the size of the Silver Liberty. PLEASE NOTE: Special reduced reminting fees are available on all four Liberty Dollars for 30 DAYS. All material received or postmarked before April 22 will be reissued at the Special Reduced rates.

$50 Remint Rate Schedule

Liberty Regular Remint Rate Special Remint Rate for 30 Days
$50 $5.00 $4.00
$20 $3.00 $2.00
$10 $2.00 $1.50
$5 $1.50 $1.25

If you wish to convert ounces of Liberty Dollars into different denominations the formula for the reminting fee (in addition to the silver) is: Base Value divided by Face Value multiplied by the ounces to be converted multiplied by the reminting rate.

For example: Using the Special Remint rate: If you wished to convert 3 ounces into $10 Libs, the math is: 50 divided by 10 X 3 X $1.50 = $22.50 USD total or silver at spot.

PLEASE NOTE: The Special Remint Rate expires at midnight on April 22. 2008.

On a very serious note: I regret to tell you that most likely Sarah Bledsoe will not be returning to work after recovering from her surgery. This leaves the Evansville Office empty. I regret that temporarily you will most likely experience poor to non-existent phone and email service… as I struggle to deal with the latest problems. Mail Order will continue… but maybe not from Evansville. The Liberty Dollar needs some help…Do you have a background in business? Are you business savvy? Like the Liberty Dollar? Want to stand up for your right to "just weights and measures"? Not afraid of the G-boys? I know that is a tall bill, but I simply cannot do it all. Please contact me if you can help.

If you placed an order and have not received it, please send an email to< and someone will reply asap.

On a positive note: We have a new bank account. Please make out your checks to LIBERTY NUMISMATICS… or just LIBERTY and mail your orders to the same address: Liberty Numismatics. 225 N. Stockwell Rd. Evansville. IN. 47715.

Second Warning! The time to become a Liberty Associate for FREE is coming to a close with the Move Up. Previously it cost $250. But until the Move Up you can become a LA for FREE. You now have only two weeks until the cost to become a Liberty Associate Moves Up to $500.

You may become a Liberty Associate for FREE by signing up for the Class Action Lawsuit before March 23rd. After March 23, it will cost $500 to become a Liberty Associate. So I encourage you to get your Liberty Dollars at a discount and earn $200 for each new Liberty Associate you sponsor… by becoming a LA for FREE NOW.

Move Up Party has yet to be determined. While many people have inquired about how to help the Office in Evansville, no plans has been made as we rush towards the Move Up to the $50 Base. Stay tuned.

BIG Thanks again for your support of the Liberty Dollar - dedicated to returning America to value - one dollar at a time.

Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect / Editor

Go HERE to sign up for the Class Action Lawsuit.
